Media Pulse

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Why High-Quality Photos Matter To Your Customers.

Let's get straight to the point: Your customers are spending more time than ever online during the pandemic, and as a result, are making more purchases online as their time spent in brick and mortar stores decreases. Moreover, your customers are likely using social media to make these purchasing decisions based on judgments about brands based on photo quality.  

It appears that many businesses, especially smaller ones, underestimate the importance of using high-quality photos on social media. I am shocked at how many businesses I see online posting low-quality photos on their social accounts. This is especially surprising in the industries where the product is very visually based, like food or artwork. Small business owners wear many hats, and social media content often becomes an afterthought due to lack of knowledge or time constraints. 

The recent changes in consumer behavior means that small business owners need to shift their mindset surrounding social media content. No longer is social media “nice to have” or something to do “when you have the time.” No, social media should be viewed as a major driver of the business and the images a business posts would reflect this paradigm shift.  

According to GlobalWebIndex, 54% of social media users use social media to research products and 71% are more likely to purchase products and services based on social media referrals. Ecommerce site Justuno reports that 93% of consumers consider visual appearance to be the key deciding factor in a purchasing decision. Media Pulse is passionate about all things local. In addition to looking at the national data, I decided to reach out to some of our social media followers to get their take on the importance of quality photos. Here is what they said: 

At Media Pulse, we are committed to helping small businesses improve their online presence. As a photographer, I would love to help you achieve the best visuals possible on your online social channels. I am available to help you learn to better utilize your existing camera, smartphone, or we can set up a time for me to take professional-looking photos of your products. Either way, we can equip you with the tools to create beautiful, engaging content for your social channels that will help you drive your business forward.

Take a look at Nick’s Instagram account he does just for fun:

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