What’s the Deal with Clubhouse?
For a few weeks now, Clubhouse has somewhat silently made its debut as the latest trending, interactive audio app on the market. However, unlike other applications where you can just head to the App Store and download the platform, Clubhouse actually requires that you be invited or allowed into the platform by another existing user.
Alright, so why should one have to jump through hoops to be a part of an app, that likely a few years ago, would have been considered behind it’s time? I mean, let’s be real, the application is audio-only, so you’re not flooded with photos or videos like TikTok and Instagram. Instead, you’re able to listen-in to ongoing conversations about business, marketing, social platforms, and so much more.
The reason Clubhouse is so private is because at its core (currently) it’s an isolated network of entrepreneurs, influencers and business gurus, among other specialists, famed researchers and athletes. The meeting rooms are designed to cover certain topics and often have leaders speaking on what they specialize in within a room. The more you explore rooms and determine how you want to utilize the free information you’re hearing, the more likely you’ll be able to gain followers or even be invited to speak onstage or ask questions, especially if you have a unique outlook or perspective.
While nothing is recorded for users to keep, the conversations do vary from a somewhat lecture-style with a group of interacting speakers, or they can be private and hosted between just a few friends or colleagues. The app is really whatever you decide to make of it, but it’s dire to stay involved if you want to keep up with current conversations and developments pertaining to whatever inspired you to seek additional knowledge or networking opportunities.
As a marketing group, collaborators at Media Pulse love the app because we want to know what other people and specified industries are doing to connect with people in a time where those in-person connections are still on hold. We want to find others like us, who want to help people and businesses become successful, to overcome hurdles or even offer or gain simple advice to take that next step or evolve to that next level.
Although, if you’ve just been let into the app and have no idea to start, here are just a few tips to get you going in the right direction:
Be honest about what you do and your goals in your “About Me” section. (The use of emojis are also heavily encouraged);
Explore Live Rooms and Topics that interest you;
Join Clubs;
Always make sure you’re muted when you’re not speaking;
If you’d like to speak or ask a question, you can flash your photo icon by muting and unmuting yourself;
Follow and invite people who mirror your interests; and
Don’t worry if you have to leave a conversation, you can do so by, “Leaving quietly.”
While some of these actions can seem like common sense, any new app or platform for connecting with people can be unsettling and often troubling to navigate. While we continue to learn how to best utilize the app, we hope that if you have any questions or concerns about Clubhouse or other applications that you’ll reach out and/or keep an eye on our blog for more in-depth coverage!
In the meantime, find us on Clubhouse: @jakelandon; @yinzbix; and @msdestinykay
Join our LinkedIn Group for Clubhouse!
Read our blog for more information.