Staying Business-Positive during COVID-19
Credit: @jontyson
I’m sure we can all agree that the ongoing pandemic has disheartened us in one way or another. In the months since its outbreak, we’ve heard of or personally experienced loss, we’ve had our social interactions disrupted or in most cases depleted, we read as favorite businesses closed their doors forever, and that others were struggling to pay the bills.
While all of these experiences vary in difficulty and level of mental strain, I’d like to focus on those who have - or are trying to launch - a small- to medium-sized business in this crumbling economy. Although none of us should compare heartaches or setbacks, these business owners constantly came to mind when I heard the government was ordering another shutdown, or when health precautions were updated.
Despite the discouraging events and misfortunes, I found it an incredible feat of those who never lost hope and maintained a passion for their business. I truly commend those who continued to make their work environment - or lack of - enjoyable for not only themselves, but their employees as well.
One of the biggest pressures outside of making sure the bills are paid and the business is making some kind of profit during COVID-19 continues to be employee retention. In some cases of lay offs - especially in the restaurant industry - some individuals claimed they were actually making more money while collecting unemployment than working in reduced-capacity environments or what pandemic-related pay reductions left them with.
In order to keep employees productive and passionate about their work, owners found that it was more important than ever to maintain a nurturing and positive environment in order to keep their business alive. For some, this meant making sure their employees felt valued and making it a point to connect, not just to plan and prepare for the new normals, but for the well-being of one another.
I know everyone is over the Zoom meetings at this point, but when its the only option you have to physically see another person outside of your household, the act can be welcoming, especially if its equal business and play. Traditionally, in a small sized business, your employees are like family and should be treated as such. Check in on them, keep them posted on changes, be honest and stay positive about the future. If you don’t want to host a meeting, consider a “check-in” text or motivational email.
“These acts will go a long way to those stuck in a quarantine-like limbo.”
Another concern of many employees returning back to a physical workplace verses being able to continue work from home is the emphasis on safety. Are you prioritizing not only your employees, but your customers and community as well? A positive outlook in or about the workplace is also going to rely on a positive environment and in this day and age, that means putting forth a dedicated effort to ensure a safe and comfortable environment for all.
And of course, the concern about if you’d have to furlough employees continues to be an uneasy topic during these times when many folks are trying to bounce back from the intense outbreaks. In some cases, business owners and their employees brainstormed about how schedules could be broken up fractionally so that no one had to lose their position. Although this meant less hours, it opened up the option for employees to work and collect on partial unemployment. Of course, these cases were also dependent on safety and comfort in the work place, so not all employees decided to return.
These types of conversations should be easy and open as possible to conduct between boss and employee. Through an understanding of the current pandemic, paired in hand with personal concerns, individuals should be able to communicate fairly and with an open mind.
Finally, the key to staying positive throughout COVID-19 is the balance between work and home. Even with businesses closed and social activities kept to a minimum, it’s important to give the brain, and the body a balance. No one should be working around the clock just because they’re stuck at home.
Creativity and positivity can be mustered through leisure readings, hobbies and even working out from home. Whatever the activity may be, it’s just as important as your career to stay happy and productive.
Should you need additional tips or advice on maintaining your business or relationships with your employees whether its in general or throughout the coronavirus pandemic, be sure to periodically check our blog and subscribe to our monthly newsletter!