Media Pulse Blog

Knowing the Difference: Social Media vs. Digital Marketing

Knowing the Difference: Social Media vs. Digital Marketing

While many might believe that social media and digital marketing are two in the same, the truth is that social media is just a piece of what goes into successful digital marketing. In this blog, we’ll go over how both social media and digital marketing can be utilized to promote your business across a variety of digital platforms.

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Explained: Facebook Business Manager

Explained: Facebook Business Manager

Have a business on Facebook? You need to be using Facebook Business Manager. It’s an important tool that keeps your digital assets centralized, safe, and organized. There is always confusion around being a page owner or admin, Business Suite, Business Manager, Creator Studio, and more. The difference between each level is important, especially when sharing your digital assets with any third-party.

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How Marketing can be a Helping Profession
Beginner, Marketing, Professionals Nick Koshute Beginner, Marketing, Professionals Nick Koshute

How Marketing can be a Helping Profession

After graduating college, I initially resisted the idea of pursuing a career in marketing. While I was attracted to the opportunity marketing gives one to be creative, I was under the impression that marketing firms were manipulative and dishonest. I did not think that a career spent trying to make people buy products they didn’t need or that presenting products in a dishonest way would ever make for a fulfilling career. However, I have since realized that my perception of marketing is only half-true.

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I Want to Tell Your Story
Business, Beginner, Advice, Storytelling Destiny Johnson Business, Beginner, Advice, Storytelling Destiny Johnson

I Want to Tell Your Story

I’m sure we can all agree that the ongoing pandemic has disheartened us in one way or another. In the months since its outbreak, we’ve heard of or personally experienced loss, we’ve had our social interactions disrupted or in most cases depleted, we read as favorite businesses closed their doors forever, and that others were struggling to pay the bills.

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